Tutoring Heroes Bitesize Maths for 6-11 year olds
Help young minds grow faster, with 25-minute online maths tutoring sessions

What is Bitesize Maths?
Tutoring Heroes Bitesize Maths is a tailored maths tutoring service, designed to help primary-aged children develop early numeracy and learning skills that will set them up for a lifetime of academic success.
- Build your child’s learning muscles
- Learn addition & subtraction facts
- Memorise multiplication & division facts
- Develop problem-solving ability
- Give your child classroom-confidence
Learn essential maths facts
Tutoring Heroes Bitesize Maths helps children memorise key maths facts that provide the basis of in-school maths activities from KS 1- 4.
Develop maths reasoning ability
Recognising the relationships between maths facts helps children to develop early maths reasoning and problem-solving skills
Grow study-attention span
Practising numeracy skills in bitesize sessions helps children to develop concentration skills, and flex their learning muscles.
Let kids learn their way, in their time
Tutoring Heroes sessions are designed to fit each individual child’s strengths and challenges, with a combination of in-lesson & homework activities.
Why do maths facts for 6-11 year olds matter?
When it comes to maths, learning the basic facts and numerical relationships matter. It’s just like learning the basics of English, as we all do when speaking our first words, so that we can later learn how to form sentences.
Having this ingrained knowledge of “maths facts” equips learners to effectively problem solve using maths principles, later in life. The factor that most determines a student’s maths success during SATs and at GCSE level is a solid grounding in these early numerical facts and relationships.
Why is Bitesize maths study so important for early learners?
Children aren’t born with a natural ability to adhere to lesson plans. Study, like anything else, is a skill that must be developed. Fact recall, whether that’s the fact that 7 x 7 = 49, or that the word “cat” is a noun, is best achieved with small bursts of repetition.
This is the principle upon which Tutoring Heroes Bitesize primary-age tuition plans are built.
How does Tutoring Heroes Bitesize Maths work?
Our bitesize maths learning plans are designed around 2 x 25-minute online tuition sessions per week,
with 5-minute daily homework tasks for each non-tuition day.
Step 1: Book your FREE taster lesson
Book your child’s free taster lesson at a time and date of your choosing. The initial session will be 40-minutes long, to allow extra time for your child to get to know their tutor and have their learning needs assessed.
Step 2: Choose your sessions
If after the taster lesson you would like your child to join Tutoring Heroes Bitesize Maths, their tutor will plan personalised lessons to suit their needs. You can then choose an additional 25-minute time slot that week, for your child to complete their next lesson.
Step 3: Start Learning!
During each lesson your child will complete fun, early-stage maths activities. They’ll also receive fun, 5-minute homework tasks designed to help them utilise maths skills around the house, and in their day-to-day lives.
Step 4: Receive targeted feedback
Get feedback about your child’s tasks, homework, and progress via email. Our tutors are all thoroughly vetted, flexible, and highly skilled. We look forward to speaking with you!