English Tutors Jersey

Tutoring Heroes is incredibly proud to have provided outstanding English tutoring in Jersey since 2020. As you will see from our more than 150 parent testimonials, our English tutoring is proven to help students achieve the two most sought-after outcomes: increased confidence and enjoyment of the subject, alongside improved grades at school!

Our English tuition journey began with supporting small groups of students (2-3 people) in Georgetown Methodist Church Hall, but when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, we were forced to begin conducting all our students’ lessons online. Though the sudden switch to remote tutoring was not something we had planned for, it turned out to be a huge positive for our students and their families. Individual pupils now benefitted from 1-on-1 interaction with their own English tutor, whereas previously, tutors had to divide their time between three students in every session.

Taking our English classes online meant that each student could receive personalised support and a programme tailored to their individual needs, rather than one-size-fits-all lessons. As a result, we’ve found that students are progressing faster, hitting learning targets sooner, and gaining an enormous amount of confidence in relation to their studies.

We’ve found that our pupils learn best when they have a positive relationship with their session leader, which is why we always take the time to find the right English tutor for every new student who comes on board. Since moving our English tuition online, finding the right match for each child is even easier; we now have dozens of friendly, highly-qualified tutors on our books, from all over the United Kingdom. Of course, we still work with plenty of Jersey private tutors too!

Our decision to change to remote learning has been as beneficial for families as it has been for students. Now, parents don’t have to worry about arranging travel, or encouraging children to attend location-based tutoring sessions after school or around other activities. Our online classes are conducted at a time of day that suits each family, from the comfort of their own home.

As of 2023, our private tutoring services have helped over 200 students in Jersey to reach their true potential in English. The support we provide ranges from helping Year 3 students to be able to retrieve specific information from texts, to helping Year 11 students effectively analyse and discuss key literary texts such as Romeo and Juliet.

Get in contact today to find out about our unique private tutoring experience and we will match you with the perfect tutor.

Why Choose Tutoring Heroes for Your Child's English Tutor?

Our approach to tutoring ensures that we deliver the perfect blend of three key elements that form the backbone of academic excellence in English language and English literature skills:

Increase Skills

Our thorough selection process ensures that our English tutors not only possess exceptional subject knowledge, but that they are also adept at creating a positive, friendly, and encouraging environment for students to learn effectively. This unique combination guarantees that our students not only gain an enriched understanding of key English language concepts but also learn to apply this knowledge effectively to various reading and writing exercises.

Ignite Passion

When students enjoy the learning process, their motivation and enthusiasm skyrocket. Just like a spark that sets a flame, we focus on making English lessons enjoyable and engaging for our students. By fostering a love for literature, language exploration, and creative expression, we fuel their desire to improve, leading to a self-sustaining cycle of progress and enjoyment. Our aim is to help our students develop a love of English, and of learning, that will continue throughout their entire lives.

Boost Confidence

Self-belief is the key to overcoming any challenge, especially where English language skills are concerned. When students lack confidence in their writing abilities, it’s often caused by insufficient support in their primary learning environment. Even the most competent and dedicated English teachers can struggle to ensure every pupil’s needs are met, when there are upwards of 25 children in the classroom.

Our English tutors are specially trained to create a nurturing, positive environment. With encouragement, targeted support, and positive feedback, we teach students to recognise their own strengths, and develop the tools necessary to overcome academic challenges.

Within a structured setting, our teaching strategies give students ample opportunities to master each aspect of their learning, at their own pace, from building their writing skills, reinforcing grammar rules and developing creative writing abilities. As pupils witness their progress and celebrate their successes, their confidence soars to new heights.

With Tutoring Heroes, your child will not only excel in their English skills but also develop a lifelong passion for literature and writing. We are committed to empowering your child with the knowledge, creativity, and confidence they need to succeed in all aspects of their academic journey.

Meet some of our tutors

As Headteacher at Tutoring Heroes, Alan has a passion for learning and vast teaching experience spanning a range of subjects including English, maths, History and Philosophy. Alan holds a BA in Politics and Sociology from the University of Essex, an MA in Conflict Studies from King’s College London and a PGCE from the Institute of Education.

Throughout his teaching career, Alan has garnered recognition for his exceptional teaching abilities. He has consistently achieved an Outstanding rating in Ofsted inspections, affirming his dedication and effectiveness as an educator. His teaching repertoire spans a wide range of students, having taught in both London and Jersey, and he has successfully adapted his teaching methods to suit diverse learning styles and abilities.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Alan loves playing with his two young children at St Brelade’s Bay and finds inspiration in daily walks along St Aubin’s Bay. As an avid reader, Alan is passionate about exploring the works of literary greats and engaging with philosophical ideas, fostering a lifelong love for learning.

Natalie is a dedicated English tutor with a passion for literature and language. She completed her A-levels in English, History, and French, demonstrating her wide range of academic interests. Currently, Natalie is pursuing a BA in English at Durham University, further deepening her knowledge and understanding of the subject.

Natalie’s greatest strength lies in her impressive communication skills and ability to instil confidence in her students. She understands that English can be daunting, and she works diligently to create a supportive and encouraging environment. Many of her students, whether in childhood education or studying their English A-levels, view her as a role model, appreciating her approachable and friendly nature.

As a literature fanatic, Natalie has developed a deep appreciation for various authors and their works. Her favourite authors include John Steinbeck, George Orwell, and Jane Austen. She is well-versed in their literary styles and themes, which allows her to provide insightful analysis and guidance to her students. Her dedication to instilling confidence, coupled with her vast knowledge and love for literature, ensures that her lessons are enjoyable, enriching, and impactful.


Freya is currently pursuing a BA in Philosophy and English at the University of Leeds. Her passion for English stems from her own experience with an inspiring English tutor when she was at secondary school. Despite enjoying the humanities subjects, Freya had never enjoyed English, but with the guidance and encouragement of her English tutor, she transformed her attitude towards the subject. Freya’s dedication paid off when she excelled in her GCSE English exams and her newfound love for English led her to choose it as one of her A-level subjects.

Upon graduating, Freya aspires to become a journalist. She is drawn to the power of words and the ability to convey stories that can create an impact. Her desire to engage with people and share their stories drives her ambition to pursue a career in journalism. Outside of her studies, Freya is an avid wildlife lover. Being passionate about English language and wildlife, it is no surprise that Freya finds inspiration in the works of Jersey’s very own Gerald Durrell.

Whilst reading is naturally a significant part of her life, in her spare time Freya also enjoys cooking winter warmer recipes, relishing the process of creating comforting dishes…even in summer!

Academic levels that we support

Our team of English tutors provide support to students of a wide range of ability levels. We start our childhood education programmes with primary school students studying Key Stage 2, in years 3, 4, 5 and 6. At this level we focus on boosting each pupil’s essential skills in alignment with the English curriculum. Our approach to tutoring at this stage is to offer tailored guidance to further support what their qualified teacher is delivering in their primary school classes.

An adaptive tutor is essential whatever the level a student is studying. Our tutors give parents regular updates on students so progress can be closely monitored and English classes can be adapted for their evolving needs.

Even if they have an approachable teacher in school, from time to time they may require more one-on-one support to break through certain blocks. This may mean spending time reading with a private tutor or working on critical engagement skills.

Our online classes can provide primary school pupils with help preparing for a school entrance exam, 11+, 13+ or SATs. At this age taking exams for the first time can be intimidating. Our English experts have plenty of tutoring experience and know how to boost a child’s confidence and exam taking abilities.

Extra English classes can support pupils in the transition from primary school to secondary school. Our private English tutors understand that in years 7, 8 and 9 (Key Stage 3) new study methods may be needed to boost their English language skills. Remote learning can also help students in year 9 get into the more advanced classes at GCSE level. This can make a huge difference to their progress in school and position them side by side with other talented students.

Starting year 10 can be overwhelming. Suddenly students are faced with their GCSEs which tests more than their academic abilities. Completing coursework and other important deadlines across many different subjects can test their time management skills and culminate in anxiety. Online classes can support them in many different areas. They can develop a student’s essential skills with exam preparation, revision support, mock paper practice and time management strategies.

An AS or A-level English student can also feel similar struggles. The added pressure to get into their university of choice and juggling other demanding subjects can lead them to suffer in silence. Our teaching strategies are designed to fine tune a student’s application of grammar, critical engagement skills, their study methods and their exam techniques so they can maximise on the exam marking criteria.

Online platforms for learning can be a rich resource for improving a student’s academic abilities. Support from the Tutoring Heroes team can offer an incredible opportunity to a student who is not currently fulfilling their full potential.

Get in contact today and we will match you with an incredible tutor from our pool of talent within the United Kingdom.

Get in touch


Orchard Mews, 5, St Helier JE2 3XL, Jersey

Contact Us

Phone : 01534625370

Our Hours

MON-FRI 16:00 – 20:00

SAT-SUN 09:00 – 13:00